Andrew Hayes Paid Member

Andy's Line Dancers
Andrew Hayes

Line Dance Instructor

United Kingdom

Classes in the Swansea / Neath area in South Wales more

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Choreographer Instructor DJ Club

Click on 'view' to open dance script page. When using mobile devices, swipe sideways to view all details in list. Dance scripts are displayed with the most recent at the top.

Choreographer(s)Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleasedViewsDownloads
Andrew Hayes
Heather Barton
MEXICO 32 count 4 wallsImproverM.E.X.I.C.O by Post Malone Fest Billy Strings Country MusicAug 20242038View
Andrew HayesI LIKE IT 32 count 4 wallsAbsolute BeginnerI like it by Nate Smith Country MusicJul 202430019View
Andrew HayesMILES ON IT 32 count 4 wallsAbsolute Beginner Miles on it by Kane Brown & Marshmello Country MusicMay 20241406126View
Andrew Hayes
Heather Barton
NEON NIGHTS 64 count 4 wallsImproverNeon night by Jered Ames Country MusicApr 202430311View
Andrew Hayes
Darren Bailey
WEST OF TEXAS 48 count 2 wallsIntermediateHeartbreak on the map by Dan & Shay Country MusicAug 202360615View
Sophie Stevens
Andrew Hayes
BLOOM32 count 2 wallsIntermediateI I Die Young Pt. 2 by Kimberly Perry Country MusicJul 20236147View
Ray Jones
Matt Lewis
Andrew Hayes
ROWDY GENTLEMEN 32 count 4 wallsBeginnerRowdy gentle man by Chris Janson Country MusicJul 202366311View
Sophie Stevens
Andrew Hayes
ON THE BOAT AGAIN32 count 4 wallsBeginnerON THE BOAT AGAIN by JAKE OWEN Country MusicJun 2023122523View
Andrew HayesILY FAMILY 32 count 4 wallsBeginnerILY family by Brett Young Country MusicJun 202387416View
Andrew HayesMY BABY DOES 32 count 4 wallsImproverMy baby does by Drew Parker Country MusicJun 202376516View
View all Andrew Hayes dance scripts

Click on 'view' to see class information. When using mobile devices, swipe sideways to view all details in list. It is advisable to confirm classes are running before travelling.

DayDance LevelTimesVenueLocation
MondayImprover/Intermediate19:00 - 21:00Morriston Memorial Hall, Morriston , Swansea , SA6 6JRView
TuesdayAbsolute Beginner17:30 - 18:20Jk's Sports Club , Neath Briton Ferry, Neath , SA11 2AXView
TuesdayBeginner/Improver18:15 - 20:30Jk's Sports Club , Neath Briton Ferry, Neath , SA11 2AXView
ThursdayBeginner17:00 - 19:00ST Cynogs Church Hall , Ystradgynlais , Neath , SA9 1EYView

Latest Dance

The latest dance by Andrew Hayes is a Improver level 32 count 4 wall line dance called MEXICO .
Music is M.E.X.I.C.O by the artist, Post Malone Fest Billy Strings .