Search Line Dance Classes

Class Dance Level
Displaying 1 to 5 of 5 line dance classes.
Profile DayDance LevelTimesVenueLocation
Mandy EadesUnited-KingdomMondayABSOLUTE BEGINNER18:30-19:15Roundhill Primary SchoolMount Road, Southdown, Bath , Somerset, BA2 1LGVIEW
Mandy EadesUnited-KingdomMondayIMPROVER/INTERMEDIATE19:30-21:00Roundhill Primary SchoolMount Road Southdown, Bath, Somerset, BA2 1LGVIEW
Mandy EadesUnited-KingdomWednesdayBEGINNER/IMPROVER19:15-21:00Beacon Hall French Close , Peasedown St John Bath, Somerset, BA2 8SNVIEW
Mandy EadesUnited-KingdomThursdayABSOLUTE BEGINNER18:30-19:15Roundhill Primary SchoolMount Road, Southdown, Bath, Somerset, BA2 1LGVIEW
Mandy EadesUnited-KingdomThursdayIMPROVER/INTERMEDIATE19:30-21:00Roundhill Primary SchoolMount Road Southdown, Bath, Somerset, BA2 1LGVIEW