The Club was founded over 20 years ago, by two ladies (Su and Carole) in a small village on the Dengie peninsula in mid-Essex. We had many different venues over the years and now have two classes running in Heybridge (nr. Maldon) and Purleigh. I did my instructor training with BWDA and qualified in 2000 so when the ladies retired I was more than happy to take the Club over, having been with them since they started. We try to keep up to date with current dances as some of our students go to Weekend festivals and socials, as well as other classes. The Heybridge class is Improver/Easy Intermediate level and the Purleigh class is High Beginner/Improver level and is a lot more relaxed. Unfortunately we can't offer Intermediate classes any more as dwindling numbers forced me to close that one. We are a small friendly club and everyone is made welcome.