Ella Wheatley Paid Member

Ella Wheatley

Line Dance Choreographer

United Kingdom

Dancer and occasional choreographer. Daughter of Hayley Wheatley....read more

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Choreographer(s)Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleasedViewsDownloads
Hayley Wheatley
Ella Wheatley
PRETTY LITTLE POISON48 count 2 wallsAdvancedPretty Little Poison by Warren Zeiders Country MusicOct 2024176728View
Stéphanie Bijon
Jo Kinser
Ella Wheatley
Mary Bee Friedrich
TODAY MY LIFE BEGINS32 count 4 wallsBeginnerToday my life begins by Bruno MarsMar 202419115View
Hayley Wheatley
Ella Wheatley
LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER32 count 4 wallsImprover Mother by Meghan TrainorMar 2023121779View
Hayley Wheatley
Ella Wheatley
LOVE THE ONE72 count 4 wallsIntermediateLove The One You're With by Boy Howdy Nov 20222807View
Hayley Wheatley
Ella Wheatley
ON MY HOLIDAYS64 count 2 wallsIntermediateHolidays by Meghan TrainorFeb 202167510View
Hayley Wheatley
Ella Wheatley
NEW COUNTRY CHA32 count 4 wallsAbsolute BeginnerA Whole New World by Collin Raye Country MusicJun 2018176140View
View all Ella Wheatley dance scripts

Ella Wheatley

Line Dance Choreographer