Esther Orsatti

Esti's Tanzschule
Esther Orsatti

Line Dance Choreographer


Ich habe in Lenzerheide eine Tanzschule in der ich 6 Linedance Gruppen unterrichte, von Kindern bis ins Seniorenalter. Auch habe ich eine Showgruppe, die Merry Boots.
Ich tanze seit dem 6. Lebensjahr und habe schon more

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Click on 'view' to open dance script page. When using mobile devices, swipe sideways to view all details in list. Dance scripts are displayed with the most recent at the top.

Choreographer(s)Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleasedViewsDownloads
Esther OrsattiRODEO-JOL32 count 4 wallsImproverRodeo by Enzo Scachia Country MusicDec 2024432View
Esther OrsattiSVALUTATION32 count 4 wallsIntermediateSvalutation by Adriano GelentanoSep 2023952View
Esther OrsattiCOUNTRY ROADS64 count 4 wallsImproverCountry Roads take me home by John Denver Country MusicDec 202244616View
Esther OrsattiSWISS LADY32 count 4 wallsBeginnerSwiss Lady by Pepe Lienhard BandJun 20223076View
Esther OrsattiI CHOOSE DOLLY64 count 4 wallsIntermediateI would always choose Dolly by Barbarella West Country MusicFeb 20222383View
Esther OrsattiRELAX32 count 4 wallsIntermediateRelax by Frankie Goes To HollywoodNov 20212315View
Esther OrsattiTHIS TRAIN64 count 4 wallsIntermediateThis Train by Hank Thompson Country MusicSep 20213597View
Esther OrsattiBACK32 count 4 wallsAdvancedBack by Alan Jackson Country MusicAug 202158010View
Esther OrsattiWHER'S ALL THE FREEDOM64 count 4 wallsImproverWhere's all the Freedom by Merle Haggard Country MusicApr 20215228View
Esther OrsattiOUR LITTLE COTTAGE32 count 4 wallsImproverOur Little Cottage by Rochus Rocky Hobi Country MusicJan 202167215View
View all Esther Orsatti dance scripts

Click on 'view' to see class information. When using mobile devices, swipe sideways to view all details in list. It is advisable to confirm classes are running before travelling.

DayDance LevelTimesVenueLocation
MondayBeginner19:00 - 20:00LenzerheideVoa Baselgia 2, Lenzerheide/GR, Graubünden, 7078View
MondayImprover/Intermediate20:00 - 21:00LenzerheideVoa Baselgia 2, Lenzerheide/GR, Graubünden, 7078View
TuesdayBeginner/Improver18:00 - 19:00LenzerheideVoa Baselgia 2, Lenzerheide/GR, Graubünden, 7078View
ThursdayImprover10:00 - 11:00LenzerheideVoa Baselgia 2, Lenzerheide/GR, Graubünden, 7078View
ThursdayImprover/Intermediate18:30 - 19:30LenzerheideVoa Baselgia 2, Lenzerheide/GR, Graubünden, 7078View
ThursdayIntermediate19:00 - 20:00LenzerheideVoa Baselgia 2, Lenzerheide/GR, Graubünden, 7078View
ThursdayAdvanced20:00 - 21:30LenzerheideVoa Baselgia 2, Lenzerheide/GR, Graubünden, 7078View

Latest Dance

The latest dance by Esther Orsatti is a Improver level 32 count 4 wall line dance called RODEO-JOL.
Music is Rodeo by the artist, Enzo Scachia.