Vikki Morris

Vikki Morris

Line Dance Choreographer

United Kingdom

I have been an instructor and choreographer for over 15 years and have have been nominated four times for a crystal boot award. I mainly choreograph to country music as I love country and love seeing and dancing to live more

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Choreographer Instructor

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Choreographer(s)Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleasedViewsDownloads
Vikki MorrisFELL IN LOVE WITH A COWGIRL32 count 4 wallsBeginnerCowgirl by Parmalee Country MusicJan 20252619View
Vikki MorrisENDS OF THE EARTH16 count 2 wallsIntermediateEnds of the earth by Ty Myers Country MusicDec 20243538View
Karl Harry Winson
Vikki Morris
HOURGLASS32 count 4 wallsImproverCheap by Chris Janson Country MusicNov 202466365View
Vikki MorrisI DON'T WANNA THINK OF YOU32 count 2 wallsBeginner Think of you by Dipper Country MusicNov 20244299View
Vikki MorrisKISS YOU LIKE32 count 4 wallsImprover Coming Home by Old Dominion Country MusicOct 202445833View
Vikki MorrisTHE GETAWAY64 count 2 wallsIntermediateThe Getaway by The StrikeOct 202425717View
Vikki MorrisWHAT A VIEW32 count 4 wallsImproverWhat a view by Jamey Johnson Country MusicOct 202443133View
Vikki MorrisLIKE SHE DOES32 count 4 wallsImproverLike she does by Wynn Williams Country MusicAug 20242699View
Vikki MorrisA LITTLE BIT CRAZY64 count 4 wallsIntermediateLittle by Little by The Wolfe Brothers Country MusicAug 202429921View
Vikki MorrisBALLYCONNELL FAIR32 count 4 wallsImproverBallyconnell Fair by Sean Magree Country MusicJun 20242269View
View all Vikki Morris dance scripts
DateDayTypeEvent NameVenueLocationProfile
26 Sep 2025FridayWeekend Phoenix Line Dance BreakSavoy Hotel, BlackpoolQueens Promenade, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY2 9SJPJView

Latest Dance

The latest dance by Vikki Morris is a Beginner level 32 count 4 wall line dance called FELL IN LOVE WITH A COWGIRL.
Music is Cowgirl by the artist, Parmalee.