Iris Wolff

Iris Wolff

Line Dance Choreographer


I'm line dance instructor in Berlin. I have 2 line dance groups. Every now and then I choreograph dances myself. I love country music more

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Choreographer Instructor

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Choreographer(s)Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleasedViewsDownloads
Iris WolffI ALWAYS FIND A WAY32 count 4 wallsBeginnerBest Of Me by Lucy Parle Country MusicJan 2025151View
Iris WolffI STILL CALL IT HOME32 count 4 wallsBeginner I Still Call It Home by James Johnston Country MusicSep 2024913View
Iris WolffWHEN IT'S TIME32 count 4 wallsImproverWhen It’s Time by Green DayJun 2024431View
Iris WolffHANGOUT32 count 4 wallsBeginnerHangout by Kyle Mercer Country MusicJan 20242309View
Iris WolffSHE LEFT WITHOUT HIM32 count 4 wallsBeginner All She Left Was Me by Hardy Country MusicNov 20231965View
Iris WolffRAISIN' ME A COUNTRY GIRL32 count 4 wallsImproverRaisin' Me A Country Girl by RaeLynn Country MusicAug 2023974View
Iris WolffLOVE IS SO SWEET32 count 4 wallsBeginnerLove Is So Sweet by Billy Joe Shaver Country MusicMay 20231344View
Iris WolffEVERYTHING AT ONCE56 count 2 wallsImproverEverything At Once by Rodney Crowell Feat. Jeff Tweedy Country MusicMar 20233265View
Iris WolffSMALL TOWN EVERYTIME32 count 4 wallsImproverSmall Town Everytime by Styles Haury Country MusicJan 20232183View
Iris WolffSIEBZEHN WEIHNACHTSKUGELN (EZ)32 count 4 wallsBeginnerSiebzehn Weihnachtskugeln by Ramona Morhardt & Hannes † (DE) Country MusicNov 20221065View
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Latest Dance

The latest dance by Iris Wolff is a Beginner level 32 count 4 wall line dance called I ALWAYS FIND A WAY.
Music is Best Of Me by the artist, Lucy Parle.