Gavin Preedy Paid Member

Line Dancing With Gav
Gavin Preedy

Line Dance Choreographer

United Kingdom

My name is Gav Preedy and I have been like dancing since March 2014. I have ran a few different classes over the years, in different areas around Gloucestershire.

I wrote my first dance in 2015 and i try and more

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Click on 'view' to open dance script page. When using mobile devices, swipe sideways to view all details in list. Dance scripts are displayed with the most recent at the top.

Choreographer(s)Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleasedViewsDownloads
Gavin PreedyDANCE WITH EVERYBODY, WHO CAME THROUGH THAT DOOR?32 count 4 wallsBeginnerDance with Everybody by Nathan Carter Jun 20231387View
Gavin PreedyLIVIN' ON LOVE32 count 4 wallsBeginnerLivin' on love by Alan Jackson Country MusicFeb 202346915View
Gavin PreedyCOUNTRY MUSIC 32 count 4 wallsBeginnerLike I Love Country Music by Kane Brown Country MusicSep 20221113View
Gavin PreedyHERE I GO!32 count 4 wallsBeginnerHere you come again by Dolly Parton Country MusicFeb 20221182View
View all Gavin Preedy dance scripts

Click on 'view' to see class information. When using mobile devices, swipe sideways to view all details in list. It is advisable to confirm classes are running before travelling.

DayDance LevelTimesVenueLocation
MondayBeginner/Improver18:30 - 21:00St. Andrews Church HallChurchDown Road, Malvern, Worcestershire, WR14 3JXView
WednesdayBeginner13:00 - 14:00Ledbury Community CentreLawnside Road , Ledbury , Herefordshire , HR8 2AEView
WednesdayBeginner/Improver19:00 - 21:00 Onibury Village HallOnibury , Nr Craven Arms , Shropshire , SY7 9AZView
ThursdayBeginner/Improver19:00 - 21:00The Memorial Hall Old Street, Upton Upon Severn, Worcestershire , WR8 0HAView

Latest Dance

The latest dance by Gavin Preedy is a Beginner level 32 count 4 wall line dance called DANCE WITH EVERYBODY, WHO CAME THROUGH THAT DOOR?.
Music is Dance with Everybody by the artist, Nathan Carter .