Karen Makin

Makin Memories Linedancers
Karen Makin

Line Dance Choreographer


I have been dancing for 30years but only teaching solo since 2019
We have a very fun and social group and it is a pleasure to call these people my friends...read more

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Choreographer Instructor

Click on 'view' to open dance script page. When using mobile devices, swipe sideways to view all details in list. Dance scripts are displayed with the most recent at the top.

Choreographer(s)Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleasedViewsDownloads
Karen MakinHOW WERE WE EVER32 count 4 wallsIntermediateStrangers by Maddie & TaeNov 2024454View
View all Karen Makin dance scripts

Click on 'view' to see class information. When using mobile devices, swipe sideways to view all details in list. It is advisable to confirm classes are running before travelling.

DayDance LevelTimesVenueLocation
MondayBeginner/Improver09:00 - 12:00Innaloo Sports Club75 Birdwood Street , Innaloo, Western Australia, 6018View
WednesdayBeginner/Improver09:30 - 11:30Innaloo Sports Club75 Birdwood Street, Innaloo, Western Australia , 6018View
ThursdayImprover/Intermediate12:30 - 14:30Innaloo Sports Club75 Birdwood Street, Innaloo, Western Australia , 6018View

Latest Dance

The latest dance by Karen Makin is a Intermediate level 32 count 4 wall line dance called HOW WERE WE EVER.
Music is Strangers by the artist, Maddie & Tae.