Manuela Gustavsson

Cortina Line
Manuela Gustavsson

Line Dance Choreographer


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Choreographer(s)Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleasedViewsDownloads
Manuela GustavssonHAPPY ON THE OUTSIDE 32 count 2 wallsImproverOutside by Tim KAMRAD Jan 2025524View
Tom I Soenju
Manuela Gustavsson
FOR THIS MOMENT (FüR DIESEN MOMENT)32 count 4 wallsBeginner Für diesen Moment by Alexander EderAug 202424312View
Manuela GustavssonBEAUTY IN THE STRUGGLE32 count 2 wallsIntermediateBeauty in the Struggle by Bryan Martin & Craig Campbell Country MusicJan 20241967View
Manuela GustavssonSHARE THE LOVE 48 count 4 wallsImprover Share The Love by Tyrone Wells & Jordan Frye Sep 20232837View
Manuela GustavssonWHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR 32 count 2 wallsBeginner What are we waiting for by ELIAug 20231252View
Manuela GustavssonYOU FOUND YOUR WAY32 count 2 wallsImproverSomeone Like You by Collin McLoughlinMar 20232234View
Manuela GustavssonLEAVE ALL OUR TROUBLES BEHIND 32 count 4 wallsIntermediateBe Alright by Chris Kläfford Jan 202331518View
Manuela Gustavsson
Dirk Leibing
PEACE ON EARTH 32 count 2 wallsIntermediatePeace On Earth by The Kelly Family Nov 202255754View
Manuela GustavssonNO MORE TIME TO CRY 48 count 2 wallsIntermediateNo Time to Cry by Chiara Castelli May 20222717View
Manuela GustavssonIT'S ALRIGHT IT'S OK 32 count 2 wallsBeginner It's alright it's ok by Mike Denver Country MusicJan 20222089View
View all Manuela Gustavsson dance scripts

Latest Dance

The latest dance by Manuela Gustavsson is a Improver level 32 count 2 wall line dance called HAPPY ON THE OUTSIDE .
Music is Outside by the artist, Tim KAMRAD .