Mary Bee Friedrich

LineDanceFriendship Germany
Mary Bee Friedrich

Line Dance Choreographer


LineDanceFriendship Germany
1.Line Dance Foundation Ambassador Germany
LDF DanceHall
Mary Bee´s Line Dance Channel
LDFWW - LineDanceFriendshipWorkshopWeekend
Bee´s Holiday Center & more

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Choreographer Instructor DJ

Click on 'view' to open dance script page. When using mobile devices, swipe sideways to view all details in list. Dance scripts are displayed with the most recent at the top.

Choreographer(s)Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleasedViewsDownloads
Stéphanie Bijon
Jo Kinser
Ella Wheatley
Mary Bee Friedrich
TODAY MY LIFE BEGINS32 count 4 wallsBeginnerToday my life begins by Bruno MarsMar 202419015View
Michael Lynn
Dwight Meessen
Jonas Dahlgren
Mary Bee Friedrich
A LITTLE DEEPER32 count 4 wallsImproverDig A Little Deeper by China Anne McLain, Disney Oct 202359814View
Mary Bee FriedrichMATADOR32 count 4 wallsBeginnerMatador by Garland JeffreysAug 20231612View
Mary Bee FriedrichALL I NEED IS YOUR LOVE 32 count 4 wallsImproverLove Tonight by ShouseJan 20221431View
Mary Bee FriedrichMY ENEMY ( CBA CHOREOGRAPHER COMPETIOTION)32 count 2 wallsImprover Enemy by Imagine DragonNov 2021803View
Sebastiaan Holtland
Mary Bee Friedrich
DRIVE ALL NIGHT (LDFWW 2021)64 count 2 wallsImproverDrive (feat. Wes Nelson) by Clean Bandit & TopicSep 20212687View
Mary Bee Friedrich
Sebastiaan Holtland
DRIVE ALL NIGHT64 count 2 wallsIntermediateDrive by Accoustic Clean BanditSep 2021570View
Mary Bee FriedrichALBANY HEARTSBEATS32 count 4 wallsBeginner Albany by Roger Whittaker Vs DJ HerzbeatSep 2021480View
Mary Bee FriedrichIKO DANCING32 count 4 wallsImproverIko Iko (My Bestie) by Justin WellingtonJun 2021863View
Mary Bee FriedrichNEVER NOT TRY32 count 4 wallsImprover NEVER NOT TRY by Jan Marten Block - DSDS Winner 2021Apr 20211212View
View all Mary Bee Friedrich dance scripts

Click on 'view' to see class information. When using mobile devices, swipe sideways to view all details in list. It is advisable to confirm classes are running before travelling.

DayDance LevelTimesVenueLocation
MondayBeginner/Improver20:00 - 21:30GG-TTC HerfordBruchstr. 4, Herford, NRW/Germany, 32052View
TuesdayAbsolute Beginner18:00 - 19:00LDF DanceHallSpenger Str. 30, Enger, Germany NRW, 32130View
TuesdayBeginner/Improver19:00 - 20:30LDF DanceHallSpenger Str. 30, Enger, Germany NRW, 32130View
WednesdayBeginner18:00 - 19:00LDF DanceHallSpenger Str. 30, Enger, Germany NRW, 32130View
WednesdayImprover/Intermediate19:00 - 21:00LDF DanceHallSpenger Str. 30, Enger, Germany NRW, 32130View
ThursdayBeginner/Improver18:00 - 21:00GW- Casino GueterslohHeidestadion, Guetersloh, NRW/Germany, 33330View
FridayAbsolute Beginner18:00 - 19:00LDF DanceHallSpenger Str. 30, Enger, Germany NRW, 32130View
FridayIntermediate/Advanced19:00 - 21:00LDF DanceHallSpenger Str. 30, Enger, Germany NRW, 32130View

Latest Dance

The latest dance by Mary Bee Friedrich is a Beginner level 32 count 4 wall line dance called MATADOR.
Music is Matador by the artist, Garland Jeffreys.