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Displaying 41 to 60 of 100 line dance scripts.
Choreographer Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleased
Willie BrownUnited-KingdomTHE TRUTH IS32 count 4 wallIntermediateThe Truth by Megan WoodsDec 2024150 14 VIEW
Ivan RundgrenSwedenYOU’RE ALL I SEE32 count 2 wallImproverDance With Me by Jace EverettDec 2024580 21 VIEW
MARIANNE LANGAGNEFranceTOUCH ME32 count 2 wallImproverTOUCH ME by ASDISDec 202483 20 VIEW
MARIANNE LANGAGNEFranceTOUCH ME EZ32 count 2 wallAbsolute Beginner TOUCH ME by ASDISDec 2024106 9 VIEW
Gregory HuffUnited-StatesNUTCRACKER MARCH72 count 1 wallImproverMarch from The Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky/Berlin Symphony OrchestraDec 202457 3 VIEW
Mikael MölsäFinlandSHOUT! SHOUT! (KNOCK YOURSELF OUT)32 count 4 wallBeginnerShout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out) by Ernie MarescaDec 202419 1 VIEW
Mikael MölsäFinlandPLEASE MR. JAILER32 count 4 wallImproverPlease Mr. Jailer by Rachel SweetDec 202412 1 VIEW
Micaela Svensson ErlandssonSwedenGREAT IS THE LORD32 count 4 wallImproverGreatly To Be Praised by Parker RobinsonDec 202434 5 VIEW
Ivan RundgrenSwedenA CHRISTMAS DANCE32 count 4 wallBeginner Tell You What I Want for Christmas by That Band From FinlandDec 2024451 9 VIEW
Elaine CollinsUnited-KingdomDEL BOY'S MAMBO (PARTNER)64 count 1 wallIntermediateWhy Me by Delbert McClintonDec 20244 1 VIEW
: Laura TurcaudFranceFORGIVE YOU32 count 4 wallImproverI think i could forgive you by Julie & The DreggsDec 2024223 19 VIEW
Denise AtkinsUnited-KingdomROCK & ROLL BRIDE 42 count 4 wallBeginnerI knew the Bride When She use to Rock & Roll by The Conquerors Dec 202479 6 VIEW
Caroline Cooper
Alexis Strong
United-KingdomNEON DANCE FLOOR64 count 2 wallIntermediateBETWEEN YOU AND ME by EASTONDec 202474 4 VIEW
Kim LiebschDenmarkHOLIDAY HEART66 count 2 wallIntermediatePut a little holiday in your heart by Cher & Cyndi LauperDec 202467 2 VIEW
Micaela Svensson ErlandssonSwedenBONNIE SCOTLAND 16 count 2 wallBeginner When You Come Home Again by NATIDec 202472 6 VIEW
Aurora De Jong
Robyn Womack
United-StatesSUSIE AIN'T YOUR FRIEND32 count 4 wallBeginnerBlood on the Dance Floor by Michael JacksonDec 202475 2 VIEW
Gary Lafferty United-KingdomTHE LAST TIME32 count 4 wallBeginnerThe Last Time by The Vintage ExplosionDec 2024192 11 VIEW
Myra Harrold United-KingdomBE MY GIRLFRIEND32 count 4 wallIntermediateGirlfriend by Charlie PuthDec 202445 1 VIEW
Debbie MabbsUnited-KingdomONLY ME IN SIGHT64 count 2 wallIntermediateOnly Me In Sight by 5 Alarm (Feat Lauren Evans)Dec 2024162 18 VIEW
Susan ThorntonUnited-KingdomFOREVER YOUNG (HB)32 count 4 wallBeginner Forever Young by Alphaville & LABACKDec 202449 4 VIEW