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Displaying 1 to 20 of 45 line dance scripts.
Choreographer Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleased
Christina YangSouth-KoreaIMMA IMMA IMMA
32 count 2 wallImproverPeligrosa by MinelliOct 202475 7 VIEW
Christina YangSouth-KoreaHOME SWEET LOVE
32 count 4 wallImproverHome Sweet love by Brett Eldredge Country MusicOct 202482 3 VIEW
Christina YangSouth-KoreaTHE CAT32 count 2 wallBeginnerDie Katze by Anett LouisonApr 2023110 1 VIEW
Christina Yang
Karl Harry Winson
South-KoreaLIGHT ME UP64 count 2 wallIntermediatePut a light on me by Sam RyderApr 2023199 4 VIEW
Christina YangSouth-KoreaMALIBU MAMBO32 count 4 wallImproverMalibu mambo by Brunella GhersiOct 2021249 4 VIEW
Christina YangSouth-KoreaWHEN AUTUMN COMES32 count 4 wallBeginnerWhen autumn comes by Young Eun SeoOct 2021253 3 VIEW
Christina YangSouth-KoreaSHIVERS32 count 4 wallBeginnerShivers by Ed SheeranSep 20211955 123 VIEW
Christina YangSouth-KoreaMALA FAMA32 count 2 wallImproverMala Fama(Remix) by Danna PaolaSep 2021142 2 VIEW
Christina YangSouth-KoreaJUST WATCHING YOU32 count 2 wallImproverFollish love by M.O.MAug 2021483 4 VIEW
Christina YangSouth-KoreaSKATE TO ME32 count 4 wallImproverSkate by Bruno Mars & Silk SonicAug 2021463 2 VIEW
Christina YangSouth-KoreaRAINY STREET32 count 4 wallImproverRainy street by Youngeun SeoAug 2021376 3 VIEW
Christina YangSouth-KoreaHA OH HO40 count 4 wallImproverPlay something country by Brooks & Dunn Country MusicJul 2021428 5 VIEW
Christina YangSouth-KoreaI MET YOU AMONG THEM32 count 4 wallImproverMeet Him Among Them by Sun Hee LeeJul 2021512 4 VIEW
Christina YangSouth-KoreaDON'T GO32 count 2 wallImproverDon't go by Isabela Merced Danna PaolaJun 2021459 4 VIEW
Christina YangSouth-KoreaI'M BAD48 count 4 wallIntermediateBad by Michael JacksonJun 2021550 12 VIEW
Christina YangSouth-KoreaYOUUUUU(?? ? ??)32 count 4 wallImproverI like you by JewelryMay 2021399 4 VIEW
Christina YangSouth-KoreaCOLOR OF LOVE36 count 4 wallImproverLove is Blue by Marty RobbinsApr 2021477 3 VIEW
Christina YangSouth-KoreaBESA MI PIEL32 count 4 wallImproverBesa Mi Piel by NataliaApr 2021388 3 VIEW
Christina YangSouth-KoreaSECOND CHANCE32 count 2 wallImproverSecond Chance by The CascadesMar 2021511 4 VIEW
Christina YangSouth-KoreaCOMO DUELE EL SILENCIO32 count 4 wallIntermediateComo duele el silencio by Lesile GraceMar 2021451 1 VIEW