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Displaying 1 to 20 of 89 line dance scripts.
Choreographer Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleased
Heather BartonUnited-KingdomNATHANS GIRL32 count 4 wallImproverHighland Girl by Nathan EvansJul 2024276 3 VIEW
Heather Barton
Lee Hamilton
United-KingdomFALSE PROMISES32 count 4 wallImproverI Tried A ring On by Tigirlilly Gold Country MusicJun 202446 2 VIEW
Heather Barton
Lee Hamilton
United-KingdomBREAKING MY HEART48 count 4 wallIntermediateBreaking My Heart by Mitchell TenpennyJun 202448 2 VIEW
Heather Barton
Willie Brown
United-KingdomSEASONS OVER64 count 4 wallIntermediateTraining Seasons by Dua LipaMay 202464 2 VIEW
Heather BartonUnited-KingdomARMY OF LOVERS32 count 4 wallImproverLove is Blue by Army Of LoversMay 202452 1 VIEW
Heather BartonUnited-KingdomMY HEART KNOWS32 count 4 wallAbsolute BeginnerMy heart won’t let you leave my mind by Jake Mathews Country MusicMar 2024553 43 VIEW
Heather BartonUnited-KingdomWE ALL GROW UP32 count 2 wallIntermediateWe all grow up by Chase Mathew Country MusicFeb 202477 4 VIEW
Heather BartonUnited-KingdomALL ABOUT NOW31 count 4 wallImproverWhat about now by Lone Star Country MusicJan 2024421 31 VIEW
Heather Barton
Ivonne Verhagen
United-KingdomHOME IS WHERE THE BAR IS48 count 4 wallImproverHome is where the bar is by Dallas Smith Country MusicJan 2024322 11 VIEW
Heather BartonUnited-KingdomGOOD THINGS TO COME32 count 4 wallImproverGood Things by Keeley BellNov 2023185 9 VIEW
Heather Barton
Jef Camps
United-KingdomTHE WAY I LOVE YOU48 count 2 wallIntermediateThe way I love you by Michael LeahOct 202368 2 VIEW
Heather BartonUnited-KingdomKEEPIN IT COUNTRY32 count 4 wallImproverKeepin it country by James Johnstone Country MusicOct 2023426 23 VIEW
Heather Barton
Glynn Rodgers
United-KingdomAT YOUR WORST 48 count 2 wallIntermediateAt your worst by Calum ScottOct 2023426 15 VIEW
Heather Barton
Lee Hamilton
United-KingdomLOVE WORKS 48 count 4 wallImproverLoves the only thing working by The Mizes Country MusicOct 2023451 18 VIEW
Heather BartonUnited-KingdomSO UNHEALTHY32 count 4 wallImproverUnhealthy by Anne-Marie & Shania TwainJul 2023366 27 VIEW
Heather Barton
Andrina K Faulds
United-KingdomSET HER OFF48 count 2 wallImproverHe set her off by Emily Ann Roberts Country MusicMay 2023214 18 VIEW
Heather BartonUnited-KingdomTHE WAY IT SHOULD BE32 count 4 wallBeginnerThe Way It Should Be by Framed Country MusicMay 2023197 6 VIEW
Heather BartonUnited-KingdomEVERYTHING I LOVE48 count 4 wallImproverEvery thing I Love by Morgan Wallen Country MusicMay 2023223 20 VIEW
Heather BartonUnited-KingdomALWAYS WILL32 count 4 wallAbsolute BeginnerAlways have always will by Ace Of Base May 20231155 73 VIEW
Heather BartonUnited-KingdomIF ANYTHING32 count 4 wallImproverIf anything’s left by Jamie FineApr 2023251 6 VIEW