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Displaying 1 to 20 of 31 line dance scripts.
Choreographer Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleased
Jef Camps
Roy Verdonk
BelgiumLITTLE HEARTBREAK32 count 4 wallBeginnerSame Heartbreak Different Day by Richard MarxApr 2023387 6 VIEW
Jef CampsBelgiumKISS YOUR SOUL32 count 4 wallImproverSoul by Lee BriceNov 2020766 10 VIEW
Jef CampsBelgiumPLAY A GAME32 count 4 wallIntermediateHeartbreaker by Loic NottetApr 2020719 4 VIEW
Jef CampsBelgiumWRIGLEY SMOOTH32 count 2 wallIntermediateBelieve by Brooks & DunnNov 2019845 7 VIEW
Jef Camps
Heather Barton
BelgiumSUGARBIRD32 count 4 wallBeginnerSugarbird by Little Kim & The Alley Apple 3Oct 20191811 66 VIEW
Jef Camps
Lee Hamilton
BelgiumDON'T LET ME FORGET32 count 4 wallIntermediateDon't Let Me Forget by Catherine McGrath & Hunter Hayes Country MusicOct 20191459 37 VIEW
Jef Camps
Esmeralda V.d. Pol
Jo Kinser
BelgiumCALM DOWN48 count 2 wallAdvancedCalm Down by SonnyJul 20192427 53 VIEW
Jef CampsBelgiumA LITTLE DANGER32 count 4 wallBeginnerHow To Be A Heartbreaker by Marina & The DiamondsJul 20191786 17 VIEW
Jef Camps
Roy Verdonk
BelgiumSIMPLY LOVE YOU48 count 4 wallIntermediateI Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues by Alessia CaraJun 20191205 11 VIEW
Jef CampsBelgiumRAINY NIGHT IN GEORGIA32 count 4 wallIntermediateRainy Night In Georgia by Chris Young Country MusicMay 2019948 8 VIEW
Jef Camps
Roy Verdonk
BelgiumBEDROOM CHA32 count 4 wallImproverBedroom by Bexar Country MusicApr 20191274 11 VIEW
Jef Camps
Grace David
BelgiumIF I HAD YOU96 count 2 wallIntermediateIf I Had You by Claude KellyMar 20191360 42 VIEW
Jef CampsBelgiumYOUR SOLDIER32 count 4 wallImproverSoldier by High Valley Country MusicFeb 20191591 31 VIEW
Jef CampsBelgiumTESTING YOUR FAITH64 count 2 wallIntermediateHeartbreak by Natalie Stovall & The Drive Country MusicFeb 20191488 44 VIEW
Jef CampsBelgiumPOWER OVER ME48 count 2 wallIntermediatePower Over Me by Dermot KennedyJan 2019984 10 VIEW
Jef CampsBelgiumALL TANGLED UP72 count 2 wallIntermediatePlaying With Fire by Jordan Sparks & Thomas RhettJan 20191170 19 VIEW
Jef CampsBelgiumWOULD U STAY32 count 2 wallIntermediateTalladega by Eric Church Country MusicDec 20181028 13 VIEW
Jef CampsBelgiumWITH MY EYES ON YOU32 count 4 wallImproverEyes On You by Chase Rice Country MusicNov 2018883 6 VIEW
Jef CampsBelgiumTHORNS & ROSES32 count 4 wallIntermediateRosas O Espinas by Joey MontanaOct 20181001 9 VIEW
Jef CampsBelgiumMAKE NO PROMISES64 count 2 wallIntermediatePromises by Calvin Harris & Sam SmithAug 2018967 9 VIEW