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Displaying 1 to 20 of 70 line dance scripts.
Choreographer Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleased
Karl Harry WinsonUnited-KingdomWEAK AT THE KNEES
32 count 4 wallIntermediateSomethin' Bout a Woman by Thomas Rhett (feat. Teddy Swims) Country MusicJan 2025222 23 VIEW
Karl Harry WinsonUnited-KingdomTABLE FOR TWO64 count 4 wallIntermediateMy Kind Of Lonely by Waylon Hanel Country MusicJan 2025850 42 VIEW
Karl Harry Winson
Vikki Morris
United-KingdomHOURGLASS32 count 4 wallImproverCheap by Chris Janson Country MusicNov 2024723 68 VIEW
Karl Harry WinsonUnited-KingdomFINER THINGS48 count 4 wallImproverFiner Things - [feat. Hank Williams Jr.] by Post Malone Country MusicAug 2024574 27 VIEW
Karl Harry WinsonUnited-KingdomTAILGATE 8868 count 2 wallIntermediateGet Outta My Dreams, Get into My Truck by Tim & The Glory Boys Country MusicJul 2024242 9 VIEW
Karl Harry WinsonUnited-KingdomCOULDN'T FORGET32 count 4 wallImproverWhat I Couldn’t Forget by Drake Milligan Country MusicJul 2024340 30 VIEW
Karl Harry WinsonUnited-KingdomAIN'T NO MOUNTAIN32 count 4 wallBeginner Ain't No Mountain High Enough by CascadaApr 20241368 48 VIEW
Karl Harry WinsonUnited-KingdomSIN CITY LIGHTS32 count 4 wallImproverBlinding Lights (Country Version) by TEBEY Country MusicMar 2024993 60 VIEW
Karl Harry WinsonUnited-KingdomWHISKEYS ON ICE64 count 2 wallIntermediateA Little More Lost by Georgia KuFeb 2024863 63 VIEW
Karl Harry WinsonUnited-KingdomCROSS MY HEART48 count 4 wallImproverDon't Be Cruel by Marty StuartFeb 20241256 90 VIEW
Karl Harry Winson
Michelle Risley
United-KingdomKEEP TWO STEPPIN32 count 4 wallBeginnerHonky Tonkin' About by The Reklaws & Drake Milligan Country MusicNov 20231134 52 VIEW
Karl Harry WinsonUnited-KingdomCOWBOY DON'T64 count 4 wallIntermediateCowboy Don't by BRELAND Country MusicSep 20231150 56 VIEW
Karl Harry WinsonUnited-KingdomSTONE COLD SOBER64 count 4 wallIntermediate Your Drinkin', My Problem by Carly Pearce Country MusicSep 20231381 137 VIEW
Karl Harry WinsonUnited-KingdomMEMORY LANE64 count 2 wallImproverMemory Lane by Old Dominion Country MusicJul 20231029 79 VIEW
Karl Harry Winson
Kate Sala
United-KingdomLOVE DRUG64 count 2 wallIntermediateI'm Not High, I'm In Love by Bebe RexhaJun 20231058 34 VIEW
Karl Harry WinsonUnited-KingdomSWEET TOOTH52 count 4 wallIntermediate Sugar In My Bowl by Alex Who?Jun 2023747 15 VIEW
Karl Harry WinsonUnited-KingdomNEON HEARTS32 count 4 wallImproverBroken Neon Hearts by Ronnie Dunn Country MusicMay 2023719 63 VIEW
Karl Harry WinsonUnited-KingdomI GOT BURNED32 count 4 wallImproverI Got Burned by Ofenbach (feat. Tim Rogers)Apr 2023479 12 VIEW
Karl Harry WinsonUnited-KingdomQUEEN OF KINGS32 count 4 wallImprover Queen of Kings by AlessandraMar 20231172 44 VIEW
Karl Harry Winson
Bob Francis
United-KingdomROAD TO ERROGIE64 count 4 wallIntermediateRoad To Errogie by Green LadsFeb 2023697 63 VIEW