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Displaying 1 to 7 of 7 line dance scripts.
Choreographer Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleased
Lisen BrixviSwedenFIRST SMILE48 count 4 wallIntermediateI Loved Her First by Elliott ParkOct 2020911 16 VIEW
Lisen BrixviSwedenTHIS LITTLE THING32 count 4 wallImproverLittle thing called love by Ronan KeatingOct 2020773 6 VIEW
Lisen BrixviSwedenGIVE MY LIFE36 count 4 wallImproverGive my life by Army Of LoversDec 2019879 5 VIEW
Lisen BrixviSwedenI WANNA GO40 count 2 wallIntermediateGo by Cody Fry Country MusicJul 20191139 9 VIEW
Lisen BrixviSwedenCHILLS48 count 2 wallIntermediateChills by James Barker Band Country MusicFeb 2019982 6 VIEW
Lisen BrixviSwedenFLIES ON THE BUTTER32 count 2 wallIntermediateFlies on the butter by The Judds Country MusicAug 20181159 6 VIEW
Lisen BrixviSwedenTHE WIRE32 count 4 wallIntermediateThe Wire by HaimDec 2013997 7 VIEW