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Displaying 1 to 4 of 4 line dance scripts.
Choreographer Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleased
Nancy LangsbergBelgiumDIRT IN MY SOUL32 count 4 wallImproverDirt In My Life by Chris Janson Country MusicAug 202385 1 VIEW
Nancy Langsberg
Josiane Tara Vicini
Rob Fowler
BelgiumBEER 1064 count 4 wallImprover Beer:10 by Alan Jackson Country MusicJun 20211023 20 VIEW
Nancy Langsberg
Kirsty Harpham-fox
BelgiumLONG HARD DAY64 count 2 wallImprover All Nighter Comin' by Vince Gill Country MusicApr 2021572 4 VIEW
Nancy Langsberg
Rob Fowler
BelgiumSANTA GONE YEE-HAW32 count 4 wallBeginner Santa Went Country by Will Carter Country MusicNov 2020690 8 VIEW