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Displaying 1 to 20 of 21 line dance scripts.
Choreographer Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleased
Sandra Speck
Kate Sala
United-KingdomVOLARE BLU32 count 4 wallImproverVolare (Nel Blu, Dipinto Di Blu) by Juliano FernadosJun 2024225 9 VIEW
Sandra SpeckUnited-KingdomCOWBOY KILLER32 count 4 wallImprover Breakin' in Boots by Matt Stell Country MusicJun 202470 5 VIEW
Sandra SpeckUnited-KingdomSIMPLE & SASSY32 count 4 wallBeginnerBEEN LIKE THIS by MEGHAN TRAINOR & T-PAINApr 2024216 16 VIEW
Sandra SpeckUnited-KingdomA.E.I.O.U32 count 2 wallImproverAEIOU by PNAU & Empire Of The SunApr 202450 8 VIEW
Sandra SpeckUnited-KingdomRUNNING IN A SLOW DREAM64 count 2 wallIntermediateWild Dogs (Running in a slow dream) by Matchbox TwentyMar 2024103 12 VIEW
Sandra Speck
Alexis Strong
Gary J Steele
United-KingdomMARTIAL'S WAY32 count 4 wallImproverThat's the Way It Is by Martial SimonSep 2023138 2 VIEW
Sandra SpeckUnited-KingdomROUND AGAIN32 count 4 wallBeginnerLET'S GO ROUND AGAIN by LOUISEAug 2023679 11 VIEW
Sandra SpeckUnited-KingdomREADY TO BE LOVED32 count 4 wallImproverReady to be loved by St. LundiMar 2023299 8 VIEW
Sandra SpeckUnited-KingdomTHE WEEKEND32 count 4 wallBeginnerThe Weekend by Michael GrayFeb 2023225 3 VIEW
Sandra SpeckUnited-KingdomLET'S DANCE TOGETHER64 count 1 wallBeginnerLet's Dance by ChrisNov 2022424 10 VIEW
Sandra SpeckUnited-KingdomI WISH I COULD FLY64 count 2 wallIntermediateThe very first Night (Taylor's version) by Taylor SwiftMar 2022255 6 VIEW
Sandra SpeckUnited-KingdomGLOWING REVIEW (CBA 2022)32 count 4 wallImproverGlowing Review by Maisie PetersJan 2022471 9 VIEW
Sandra Speck
Cheryl Carter
United-KingdomI JUST WANNA SAY32 count 4 wallImproverThank You by Diana RossAug 2021476 3 VIEW
Sandra SpeckUnited-KingdomFIRST COMES THE NIGHT32 count 4 wallImproverFirst Comes The Night by Los QuarantinosFeb 2021647 7 VIEW
Sandra SpeckUnited-KingdomDIRT AND GOLD32 count 4 wallImproverDirt and Gold by Ward ThomasJul 20201831 49 VIEW
Sandra Speck
Cheryl Carter
United-KingdomMIDLAND MINI CHA32 count 1 wallAbsolute BeginnerPut the Hurt on Me by Midland Country MusicJan 20201796 34 VIEW
Sandra SpeckUnited-KingdomLET'S KISS AND MAKE UP32 count 4 wallImproverLet's Kiss and Make Up by Shania Twain Country MusicDec 20191783 17 VIEW
Sandra SpeckUnited-KingdomBROKEN & BEAUTIFUL32 count 4 wallImproverBROKEN & BEAUTIFUL by KELLY CLARKSONJul 20191595 15 VIEW
Sandra Speck
Cheryl Carter
United-KingdomLOOK AROUND48 count 4 wallImproverWhen I Look Around by Nancy Ann Lee Country MusicFeb 20191223 7 VIEW
Sandra Speck
Alexis Strong
United-KingdomMARCHING ON40 count 4 wallImproverMarch On by Hilary Scott & The Scott Family Country MusicFeb 20191602 18 VIEW