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Displaying 1 to 20 of 20 line dance scripts.
Choreographer Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleased
Stephen GellUnited-KingdomWINTERS DAY32 count 4 wallBeginner Wintergreen by The East PointersMar 2020998 10 VIEW
Stephen GellUnited-KingdomSAY IT’S ALRIGHT32 count 1 wallBeginnerIt’s All Right by Huey Lewis And The NewsMar 20191149 5 VIEW
Stephen GellUnited-KingdomWALKING IN THE SUNSHINE64 count 2 wallImproverWalking In The Sunshine by Rod StewartJan 20191399 6 VIEW
Stephen GellUnited-KingdomSTORY OF A HEART 232 count 4 wallAbsolute BeginnerStory Of A Heart (7th Heaven Remix (Radio Mix) by StepsFeb 20181210 5 VIEW
Stephen GellUnited-KingdomLAY YOUR FLOWERS32 count 4 wallImproverLay Our Flowers Down by Lady Antebellum Country MusicAug 2017958 5 VIEW
Stephen GellUnited-KingdomFLY AWAY32 count 2 wallImproverFly Away by Lutricia McNealJun 2017914 4 VIEW
Stephen GellUnited-KingdomDYNAMITE32 count 2 wallBeginnerDynamite by Nause Feat Pretty SisterMay 20171098 7 VIEW
Stephen GellUnited-KingdomKISS MY SKY32 count 4 wallImproverKiss The Sky by Jason DerüloOct 2016964 1 VIEW
Stephen GellUnited-KingdomNEW CHICK32 count 2 wallImproverNew Girl (Single) by Reggie 'N' BollieJun 2016913 4 VIEW
Stephen GellUnited-KingdomLITTLE MANJARO32 count 4 wallImproverAs You Are by Charlie Puth Feat Shy CarterMay 2016986 2 VIEW
Stephen GellUnited-KingdomCHAWKI32 count 4 wallImproverTime Of Our Lives by ChawkiMar 2016860 4 VIEW
Stephen GellUnited-KingdomMY SECOND HAND HEART32 count 4 wallImproverSecond Hand Heart by Ben Haenow Feat. Kelly Clarkson Country MusicMar 2016997 3 VIEW
Stephen GellUnited-KingdomTHE HEART WANTS (JEALOUS)32 count 2 wallIntermediateThe Heart Wants What It Wants by Selena GomezDec 2014737 3 VIEW
Stephen GellUnited-KingdomSIMPLY COUNTING STARS32 count 2 wallBeginnerCounting Stars by OneRepublicOct 2014961 7 VIEW
Stephen GellUnited-KingdomNEW ROMANCE32 count 4 wallImproverBest Years Of Our Lives by Modern Romance (7" Version)Aug 2014929 2 VIEW
Stephen GellUnited-KingdomI’M A FREAK 232 count 4 wallImproverI’m A Freak by Enrique Iglesias Feat PitbullMay 2014821 3 VIEW
Stephen GellUnited-KingdomSEX OR CHAMPAGNE32 count 2 wallImproverElectric Chapel by Lady GaGaSep 2013856 2 VIEW
Stephen GellUnited-KingdomLIQUID 3232 count 4 wallImproverLiquid Lunch by Caro EmeraldJun 2013848 3 VIEW
Stephen GellUnited-Kingdom30 MINUTES32 count 4 wallImprover30 Minute Love Affair by Paloma FaithSep 2012691 3 VIEW
Stephen GellUnited-KingdomTIMELESS32 count 4 wallImproverTimeless by Eric SaadeJul 2012745 3 VIEW