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Displaying 1 to 20 of 60 line dance scripts.
Choreographer Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleased
Tina ArgyleUnited-KingdomHERE COMES TROUBLE48 count 4 wallImprover T-R-O-U-B-L-E by Travis TrittMar 2024250 15 VIEW
Tina ArgyleUnited-KingdomDARK SIDE OF THE MOON48 count 2 wallImprover Gone Enough by William Michael MorganFeb 2024202 18 VIEW
Tina ArgyleUnited-KingdomBABY WALKED IN32 count 4 wallAbsolute BeginnerIn Walked You by William Michael MorganFeb 2024194 4 VIEW
Tina ArgyleUnited-KingdomBRIGHTER DAYS32 count 4 wallImproverThe Weather Left To Go by Far From SaintsFeb 202470 3 VIEW
Tina ArgyleUnited-KingdomI AIN'T DRUNK64 count 4 wallIntermediateI Ain't Drunk by Albert CollinsOct 202330 1 VIEW
Tina ArgyleUnited-KingdomPLACES TO RUN32 count 4 wallBeginner Places To Run by Jake OwenAug 2023378 5 VIEW
Tina ArgyleUnited-KingdomEVERY ROAD48 count 4 wallImproverEvery Road by Rory O'NeillAug 2023989 67 VIEW
Tina ArgyleUnited-KingdomLONG HAIRED COUNTRY BOY64 count 4 wallImproverLong Haired Country Boy by Cody JohnsonDec 2022436 15 VIEW
Tina ArgyleUnited-KingdomDARLING PRETTY64 count 4 wallImproverDarling Pretty by Mark KnopflierDec 2022187 6 VIEW
Tina ArgyleUnited-KingdomRELY ON ME32 count 4 wallImproverRely On Me by Sigala, Gabry Ponte & Alex GaudinoDec 2022352 5 VIEW
Tina ArgyleUnited-KingdomNO BODY64 count 4 wallIntermediateNo Body by Blake SheltonOct 20221409 102 VIEW
Tina ArgyleUnited-KingdomNO WAY JOSE32 count 4 wallBeginnerIn These Shoes by Kirsty MacCollSep 2022302 8 VIEW
Tina ArgyleUnited-KingdomETERNAL FLAME36 count 4 wallImproverEternal Flame by The BanglesSep 2022518 38 VIEW
Tina ArgyleUnited-KingdomBEER WITH MY FRIENDS32 count 4 wallImproverBeer With My Friends by Kenny Chesney & Old DominionSep 2022587 36 VIEW
Tina ArgyleUnited-KingdomDRAGGIN' YOUR BOOTS32 count 4 wallImproverStop Draggin' Your Boots by Danielle BradberyMay 2022509 34 VIEW
Tina ArgyleUnited-KingdomADIOS COWBOY32 count 4 wallImproverAdios Cowboy by MidlandMay 2022710 62 VIEW
Tina ArgyleUnited-KingdomCUT LOOSE64 count 4 wallImproverCut Me Loose by The ShiresMay 2022728 50 VIEW
Tina ArgyleUnited-KingdomHEARTS DON'T RUST32 count 2 wallImproverHearts Don't Rust by Brandon DavisMay 2022915 52 VIEW
Tina ArgyleUnited-KingdomINVISIBLE HEART48 count 4 wallImproverDrown by Nadine Somers Country MusicMar 2022872 51 VIEW
Tina ArgyleUnited-KingdomHEAD ON FIRE48 count 4 wallImprover Head On Fire by Griff & SigridMar 2022623 27 VIEW