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Displaying 1 to 20 of 32 line dance scripts.
Choreographer Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleased
Willie BrownUnited-KingdomGERRY'S JIG
32 count 2 wallImproverI Couldn't Get My Mind Off You by Gerry Guthrie Country MusicNov 2024106 1 VIEW
Willie BrownUnited-KingdomTAKE THE BLAME64 count 4 wallImprover Watch Me by Holy MollyOct 202439 3 VIEW
Willie BrownUnited-KingdomDOLLY WOULD32 count 4 wallBeginnerDolly Would by The Dryes Country MusicJul 20241549 101 VIEW
Willie Brown
Heather Barton
United-KingdomSEASONS OVER64 count 4 wallIntermediateTraining Season by Dua LipaJun 2024550 42 VIEW
Willie BrownUnited-KingdomWHISKEY WOMAN32 count 4 wallImproverWhiskey Woman by Robby Johnson Country MusicJun 2024582 27 VIEW
Willie BrownUnited-KingdomWHEN I'M WITH YOU32 count 4 wallAbsolute BeginnerLighter by Galantis, David Guetta & 5 Seconds Of SummerMay 2024383 10 VIEW
Willie BrownUnited-KingdomYOU ARE ENOUGH (CBA4LDF)32 count 4 wallImproverYou Are Enough by Citizen SoldierJan 2024111 3 VIEW
Willie BrownUnited-KingdomHANDS ON ME32 count 4 wallBeginnerHands On Me (feat. Meghan Trainor) by Jason DeruloOct 2023148 2 VIEW
Willie BrownUnited-KingdomNEVER ONCE32 count 2 wallIntermediateOnce by David JAug 202386 3 VIEW
Willie BrownUnited-KingdomYOURE MY HOME40 count 2 wallIntermediateYou're My Home by Mark Wills Country MusicMay 2023129 16 VIEW
Willie BrownUnited-KingdomLONG LONG TIME32 count 4 wallImproverDo It Again by Ray DaltonMay 2023256 6 VIEW
Willie Brown
Heather Barton
United-KingdomA LITTLE SUN48 count 2 wallIntermediateA Little Sun by Kevin McGuire Country MusicFeb 2023883 81 VIEW
Willie BrownUnited-KingdomMY PEOPLE (AKA 6 TOE STOMP)32 count 4 wallBeginnerMy People by James Johnston Country MusicJan 2023664 39 VIEW
Willie BrownUnited-KingdomHEAVEN'S JUKEBOX32 count 4 wallBeginner Heaven's Jukebox by Jaden HamiltonSep 20221018 67 VIEW
Willie BrownUnited-KingdomUS SOMEDAY32 count 2 wallIntermediate Us Someday by Thomas Rhett Country MusicFeb 2022560 52 VIEW
Willie BrownUnited-KingdomALWAYS HUMBLE32 count 4 wallBeginnerHumble by Ian Munsick Country MusicFeb 20222595 289 VIEW
Willie BrownUnited-KingdomKEEP THE DREAM ALIVE32 count 4 wallBeginner Don't Make Me Look Into Your Eyes by Jubillee Country MusicOct 202167 12 VIEW
Willie BrownUnited-KingdomTHE MONEY DANCE128 count 1 wallIntermediateMoney Dance by Lunchmoney LewisMar 2021556 5 VIEW
Willie BrownUnited-KingdomMONEY IN MY POCKET64 count 2 wallIntermediateBroke by Teddy SwimsNov 2020972 16 VIEW
Willie Brown
Jonas Dahlgren
United-KingdomJUST FIVE MORE32 count 4 wallIntermediateFive More Minutes by Jonas BrothersSep 2020706 6 VIEW