Shelli Blake

Shelli Blake

Line Dance Choreographer

United States

I started choreographing line dances in 2000 and competed in choreography competitions in the US and Australia. My line dance "Meant To Be" won first place at Tamworth, AU in 2002 in the Waltz category. I've choreographed more

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Choreographer(s)Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleasedViewsDownloads
Shelli BlakeSPEND IT ON YOU32 count 4 wallsBeginnerSpend It On You by Niko Moon Country MusicOct 2024622View
Shelli BlakeMAKIN' MONEY72 count 4 wallsIntermediateMoney by Oh The LarcenyFeb 20241292View
Shelli BlakeNO NO NO32 count 4 wallsAbsolute BeginnerNO NO NO by Hamilton LoomisJan 20241674View
Shelli BlakeWHISKEY TRAIN32 count 4 wallsImproverWhiskey Train by Jameson Rodgers Country MusicDec 20232264View
Shelli BlakeFEELS THIS GOOD32 count 4 wallsBeginner Feels This Good by Lonis And Jon MeroMay 20231403View
Shelli BlakeW.I.T.C.H.32 count 4 wallsImproverW.I.T.C.H. by Devon ColeJul 20222251View
Shelli BlakeA BIT OF JOY32 count 4 wallsBeginner Joy by Andy GrammarFeb 20221963View
Shelli Blake
Rob Fowler
DATIN'32 count 4 wallsImproverDatin' by Elvis PresleyNov 20213871View
Shelli Blake
Rob Fowler
HIGH HORSE32 count 4 wallsImproverHigh Horse by Nelly (feat. Breland, Blanco Brown) Country MusicAug 2021107437View
Shelli Blake
Rob Fowler
LOCO SHUFFLE48 count 4 wallsIntermediateLocomotive by Sawyer Brown Country MusicJul 202173113View
View all Shelli Blake dance scripts

Latest Dance

The latest dance by Shelli Blake is a Beginner level 32 count 4 wall line dance called SPEND IT ON YOU.
Music is Spend It On You by the artist, Niko Moon.