Tina Scammell

Step2it Linedance
Tina Scammell

Line Dance Instructor


I have been teaching linedancing for over 25 years and also teach Zumba ...read more

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DayDance LevelTimesVenueLocation
MondayIntermediate09:30 - 10:30All Saints Parish HallHicks Street, Gosnells, W.A, 6110View
MondayImprover10:35 - 12:00All Saints Parish HallHicks Street, Gosnells, W.A, 6110View
MondayAbsolute Beginner18:00 - 19:00Gosnells Bowling Club2271 Albany Hwy, Gosnells, W.A, 6110View
TuesdayBeginner10:35 - 11:35Amherst Village Community Centre2 Holmes St, Southern River , WA , 6110View
WednesdayAbsolute Beginner10:40 - 11:40Rossmoyne Bowling Club35 Tuscan St, Rossmoyne, Western Australia, 6148View
WednesdayBeginner18:30 - 19:30All Saints Parish HallHicks Street, Gosnells, WA, 6110View
WednesdayImprover19:35 - 21:00All Saints Parish HallHicks Street, Gosnells, WA, 6110View
ThursdayBeginner09:30 - 10:30All Saints Parish HallHicks Street, Gosnells, WA, 6110View
ThursdayImprover/Intermediate10:40 - 12:00All Saints Parish HallHicks Street, Gosnells, WA, 6110View

Tina Scammell

Line Dance Instructor