Trent Duncan

Tropical Boots Line Dancing
Trent Duncan

Line Dance Choreographer


I have been dancing since 1994, it's my life and my happiness. I love sharing line dancing and seeing everyone have fun and enjoy it. more

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Choreographer Instructor

Click on 'view' to see class information. When using mobile devices, swipe sideways to view all details in list. It is advisable to confirm classes are running before travelling.

DayDance LevelTimesVenueLocation
MondayBeginner/Improver18:30 - 20:30PCYC Aitkenvale, Townsville QLD 129 Wellington St, Aitkenvale, Qld, 4814View
TuesdayAbsolute Beginner18:30 - 18:30PCYC Aitkenvale, Townsville QLD129 Wellington St, Aitkenvale, QLD, 4814View
WednesdayImprover/Intermediate18:30 - 18:30PCYC Aitkenvale, Townsville QLD129 Welling St, Aitkenvale , QLD, 4814View

Trent Duncan

Line Dance Choreographer