Walter Tomiati

Walter Tomiati

Line Dance Choreographer


I'm a italian boy who likes country & western more

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Choreographer(s)Dance TitleDance TypeDance LevelMusic/ArtistReleasedViewsDownloads
Walter TomiatiFIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN120 count 2 wallsAdvancedI Ride by The Promised Country MusicSep 20241488View
Walter TomiatiPINK KISS32 count 4 wallsIntermediatePink Champagne by Carrie Underwood Country MusicJun 202232114View
Walter Tomiati
WHATEVER IT TAKES32 count 2 wallsIntermediateWhatever It Takes by High Valley Country MusicJan 202214110View
Walter Tomiati
WANNABES48 count 2 wallsImproverWannabes by Brett Kissel Country MusicNov 202160725View
Walter TomiatiONE AT A TIME32 count 4 wallsImproverOne At A Time by Jackson Michelson Country MusicSep 202194636View
Walter TomiatiCROSSFIRE92 count 4 wallsAdvancedCrossfire by Jordan Rainer Country MusicApr 202195445View
Walter Tomiati
SONG ABOUT HOME32 count 4 wallsImproverSong About Home by Jason Maxwell Country MusicNov 2020101628View
Walter TomiatiISLAND32 count 4 wallsImproverIsland by Bow AndersonSep 202097128View
Walter TomiatiGOODBYE JUNE32 count 4 wallsIntermediateGoodbye June by Jetty Road Country MusicJul 2020126750View
Walter TomiatiKARMA32 count 4 wallsImproverKarma by Kristin Carter Country MusicFeb 2020102435View
View all Walter Tomiati dance scripts

Latest Dance

The latest dance by Walter Tomiati is a Advanced level 120 count 2 wall line dance called FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN.
Music is I Ride by the artist, The Promised.